Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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521 to 530 of 4,142 Results
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 19.1 KB - MD5: a8b328f3edbb60a294d4dabfd8d6d287
Plain Text - 6.8 KB - MD5: 0a34679e5fccc01ba136dc5515d8088a
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 16.4 KB - MD5: 715f7efbd67366243653e1a361d11aff
Co-Ordinate Animation - 4.1 KB - MD5: 9d270635bc830eb4722ea4dc0d98246a
Co-Ordinate Animation - 7.3 MB - MD5: 97ab5aac623a056fa863cc50b380ba05
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