Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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2,421 to 2,430 of 4,473 Results
Plain Text - 206.6 KB - MD5: d129bf51845650ace78a5d222914b41b
Unknown - 204.6 KB - MD5: cfc0084ddfe2b42337a2b0358feeac58
Plain Text - 188.4 KB - MD5: fb3264456071452df5d2cf3dd9591328
Unknown - 195.1 KB - MD5: bbf039a17e6a306083d8b9ffa3ce5205
Plain Text - 179.6 KB - MD5: 0a2e3f785f99ae9ab8d5a9e3f2cbd329
Unknown - 301.5 KB - MD5: 35a4438bfc050dcfbaf4ccccbfe77e37
Plain Text - 277.7 KB - MD5: 419fa370c19fc623e07f4e529d9f3bca
Unknown - 299.7 KB - MD5: 13ee3b9a575f310303b67222c30d9e0f
Plain Text - 275.9 KB - MD5: 19bb1f4770faf3344a065dafb429cc76
Unknown - 154.5 KB - MD5: 7bc5dd7c716dddc1e5d4add168947ee0
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