The NAG-TEC Atlas provides a comprehensive review of geological and geophysical information over the north-east Atlantic region. The Atlas was produced as part of the NAG-TEC project, a collaborative effort by the British Geological Survey, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, the Geological Survey of Ireland, the Geological Survey of the Netherlands, the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland, the Geological Survey of Norway, Iceland GeoSurvey, and Jarðfeingi, the Faroe Islands, along with a number of academic partners and significant support from industry. The main focus was to investigate the tectonic evolution of the region with a particular emphasis on basin evolution along conjugate margins. This dataverse contains all the key data and information collected by the group to develop the Atlas.
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Jun 15, 2022
Hopper, J.R.; Funck, T.; Stoker, M.S.; Árting, U.; Peron-Pinvidic, G.; Doornenbal, H.; Gaina, C.; NAG-TEC Contributors, 2014, "NAG-TEC ArcGIS Project",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
ArcGIS database of comprehensive background material upon which the NAG-TEC Atlas is based. The project includes links to seismic refraction profiles, geoseismic sections, stratigraphic charts, etc. A separate geodatabase and mxd file is included with the reconstructions based on...
Jun 15, 2022 - NAG-TEC ArcGIS Project
ZIP Archive - 2.0 GB - MD5: 2ffc5c62e46b777bc0d9e28a5f8ba539
Jun 15, 2022 - NAG-TEC ArcGIS Project
Adobe PDF - 57.5 KB - MD5: 8b1c1ef2db64964dc6086bb21e59cc66
Complete list of contributors to the NAG-TEC project and database.
Jun 15, 2022
Funck, T.; Erlendsson, Ö.; Geissler, W. H.; Gradmann, S.; Kimbell, G.S.; McDermott, K.G.; Petersen, U., 2014, "Seismic Refraction Database",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The seismic refraction database contains 207 published velocity model profiles from seismic refraction experiments. Included with each profile are references to all publications, depth to basement and Moho, navigation information, and interpretations of the crustal type.
ZIP Archive - 55.6 MB - MD5: 6c80f56143e014ae2c240c7f77cb1923
Collection of seismic refraction profiles. See overview pdf for profile names.
Plain Text - 1.4 KB - MD5: 58a1c4cb1a7cafb1cb7a1ab1cdca18ae
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Adobe PDF - 2.7 MB - MD5: 130eda277459ec50105c87b1d6c9890f
Figure 6.2 and Table 6.1 from the NAG-TEC Atlas providing an overview all profiles in the database
Jun 15, 2022
Funck, T.; Erlendsson, Ö.; Geissler, W. H.; Gradmann, S.; Kimbell, G.S.; McDermott, K.G.; Petersen, U., 2014, "Depth to Moho, Basement, and Crustal Thickness from Seismic Refraction Data",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Gridded crustal thickness and depth to Moho and basement based on seismic refraction data.
Network Common Data Form - 70.2 MB - MD5: 0cc0bc27c48846e9cec395c45d2decde
netcdf gridded file of crystalline crustal thickness in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
Co-Ordinate Animation - 68.4 MB - MD5: dfb57605c18da11a0b6db204afc7750c
XYZ ascii grid of crystalline crustal thickness in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
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