The NAG-TEC Atlas provides a comprehensive review of geological and geophysical information over the north-east Atlantic region. The Atlas was produced as part of the NAG-TEC project, a collaborative effort by the British Geological Survey, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, the Geological Survey of Ireland, the Geological Survey of the Netherlands, the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland, the Geological Survey of Norway, Iceland GeoSurvey, and Jarðfeingi, the Faroe Islands, along with a number of academic partners and significant support from industry. The main focus was to investigate the tectonic evolution of the region with a particular emphasis on basin evolution along conjugate margins. This dataverse contains all the key data and information collected by the group to develop the Atlas.
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41 to 50 of 80 Results
Jun 15, 2022
Nasuti, A.; Olesen, O., 2014, "Magnetic Anomaly Grids",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Magnetic anomaly and tilt derivative of the North-East Atlantic region.
Jun 15, 2022 - Magnetic Anomaly Grids
Network Common Data Form - 54.8 MB - MD5: 91d194e4a716972cde2769145bd41508
netcdf gridded file of the magnetic anomaly in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022 - Magnetic Anomaly Grids
Co-Ordinate Animation - 59.9 MB - MD5: f359f7f33411a9f8a6dd381413508fde
XYZ ascii grid of the magnetic anomaly in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022 - Magnetic Anomaly Grids
Network Common Data Form - 9.2 MB - MD5: 7fd653344905b8005072251e35cea39c
netcdf gridded file of the magnetic anomaly in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022 - Magnetic Anomaly Grids
Co-Ordinate Animation - 58.4 MB - MD5: 3aa7624698cce086012764b47a0299b0
XYZ ascii grid of the magnetic anomaly in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022 - Magnetic Anomaly Grids
Network Common Data Form - 92.5 MB - MD5: 794c7dbf5d00d95324ab8ff95ef8c6a3
netcdf gridded file of the tilt derivative in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022 - Magnetic Anomaly Grids
Co-Ordinate Animation - 88.0 MB - MD5: 86b07184687f44bd30fff0e3029219fd
XYZ ascii grid of the tilt derivative in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022 - Magnetic Anomaly Grids
Network Common Data Form - 14.2 MB - MD5: d8f1d7c41577d97badf445d28458e652
netcdf gridded file of the tilt derivative in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022 - Magnetic Anomaly Grids
Co-Ordinate Animation - 88.0 MB - MD5: f6f322d7e9df40273ba317fafb655186
XYZ ascii grid of the tilt derivative in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022
Haase, C.; Ebbing, J.; Funck, T., 2014, "Gravity Inversion",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Gridded files of depth to Moho and crustal thickness based on gravity inversion. The inversion uses the total sediment thickess grid for depth to basement.
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