daily CARRA time series data at points
Here are CARRA daily 2m air temperature (t2m) or total precipitation (tp) or rainfall (rf) at GEUS AWS sites 1991 to 2021 31 years. The data are in comma separated files (.csv) for static point locations in Greenland. The data for each location is the monthly or annual average (or total, for precipitation) of daily nearest-neighbor on the 2.5 km CARRA grid point.
daily 2m air temperature (t2m) or total precipitation (tp) or rainfall (rf) at GEUS AWS sites 1991 to 2021.
To get snowfall, subtract rf from tp. Sites: 'KPC_L', 'KPC_Lv3', 'KPC_U', 'KPC_Uv3', 'EGP', 'SCO_L', 'SCO_U','MIT', 'TAS_L', 'TAS_U', 'TAS_A', 'QAS_L', 'QAS_Lv3', 'QAS_M','QAS_U', 'QAS_Uv3', 'QAS_A', 'NUK_L', 'NUK_U', 'NUK_Uv3', 'NUK_N','KAN_B', 'KAN_L', 'KAN_M', 'KAN_U', 'UPE_L', 'UPE_U', 'THU_L','THU_L2', 'THU_U', 'THU_U2', 'CEN', 'CEN2', 'CP1', 'DY2', 'HUM','JAR', 'JAR_O', 'NAE', 'NAU', 'NEM', 'NSE', 'SDL', 'SDM', 'SWC','SWC_O', 'TUN', 'NUK_K', 'ZAK_Lv3', 'ZAK_Uv3'
The original source is the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS) produced by C3S. The data produced by contractors under C3S (ECMWF) belongs to C3S although they are public and free to use.