Background: This readme provides limited metadata for the Greenland ice sheet meltwater runoff from the Kangerlussuaq / Watson River and Isunnguata Sermia catchments in southwest Greenland. A more complete description of this product can be found in: Van As D, Bech Mikkelsen A, Holtegaard Nielsen M, Box JE, Claesson Liljedahl L, Lindbäck K, Pitcher L and Hasholt B (2017) Hypsometric amplification and routing moderation of Greenland ice sheet meltwater release. The Cryosphere, 11, 1371-1386 (doi:10.5194/tc-11-1371-2017). Data format: Data are provided in ASCII format. File naming: The file names indicate the calculated variable "GIS (Greenland ice sheet) surface runoff", the catchment ("WR" for Kangerlussuaq / Watson River and "IS" for Isunnguata Sermia), the time period in years, and the temporal resolution of the data ("hourly" and "daily"). Column information of data files at "hourly" temporal resolution: Column 1 - Year Column 2 - Day of year Column 3 - Hour of day (UTC) Column 4 - Total of meltwater generated at the ice sheet surface within the catchment per reported time unit (units: cubic meters) Column 5 - Total of meltwater exiting the glacier front per reported time unit, i.e. column 4 including routing delay (units: cubic meters) Column information of data files at "daily" temporal resolution: Identical to the file structure detailed above, but without column 3. Meltwater calculation: Measurements by the on-ice KAN_L, KAN_M and KAN_U weather stations interpolated into 100-m elevation bins along with calibrated MOD10A1 surface albedo data, feeding into a surface energy balance model calculating meltwater runoff. Surface albedo per elevation bin in the Isunnguata Sermia catchment is set equal to the values of the Kangerlussuaq / Watson River ice sheet catchment. Van As D, Bech Mikkelsen A, Holtegaard Nielsen M, Box JE, Claesson Liljedahl L, Lindbäck K, Pitcher L and Hasholt B (2017) Hypsometric amplification and routing moderation of Greenland ice sheet meltwater release. The Cryosphere, 11, 1371-1386 (doi:10.5194/tc-11-1371-2017). Catchment delineation: Based on surface and bedrock digital elevation models. Lindbäck K, Pettersson R, Hubbard AL, Doyle SH, Van As D, Mikkelsen AB and Fitzpatrick AA (2015) Subglacial water drainage, storage, and piracy beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. Geophysical Research Letters, 42 (18), 7606-7614 (doi:10.1002/2015GL065393). Elevation bins: Determined using the Greenland Mapping Project (GIMP) digital elevation model vertically transformed to the EGM96 geoid. Routing delays: Determined as a function of ice sheet surface elevation by tuning a delay-per-elevation-bin function for optimal agreement with Watson River discharge measurements. The same delay function is applied to - but not validated for - the Isunnguata Sermia catchment for which few discharge measurements exist. Van As D, Bech Mikkelsen A, Holtegaard Nielsen M, Box JE, Claesson Liljedahl L, Lindbäck K, Pitcher L and Hasholt B (2017) Hypsometric amplification and routing moderation of Greenland ice sheet meltwater release. The Cryosphere, 11, 1371-1386 (doi:10.5194/tc-11-1371-2017). Funding information: The runoff data were produced for the Greenland Analogue Project (GAP) funded by SKB (2008-2020), Posiva Oy (2008-2013) and NWMO (2008-2013). The weather stations central to this calculation feed data into the Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE). Terms of use: If the data are presented or used to support results of any kind, please inform us, and include the acknowledgement "Greenland ice sheet runoff was calculated for the Greenland Analogue Project (GAP) in collaboration with the Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE)". Contact: The responsible PROMICE point-of-contact for queries on these data is Dirk van As ( (2020-11-06)