Greenland streams, outlets, basins, and runoff.

Daily freshwater runoff from MAR and RACMO RCMs partitioned by each basin to each outlet from 1958 through 2019.

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311 to 320 of 320 Results
Plain Text - 204.7 KB - MD5: 5d5335af24aa1cd957b5b808d6dc2d93
Plain Text - 3.3 KB - MD5: 642d0fa608ea70ab6483b9836cd87b6e
Plain Text - 102.6 KB - MD5: f8a5a24cf45bea6a1f974cb0a8d6bdb5
2017 discharge
Plain Text - 317.3 KB - MD5: c27c480d32f86f141ce5af9cefc908bd
2018 discharge
Plain Text - 437.6 KB - MD5: eb2ace1deb899b647dd31ac26f572e22
2019 discharge
Plain Text - 3.9 KB - MD5: 2a4ba6baf0bb8696b58e42ce33e4ff37
Plain Text - 3.9 KB - MD5: 2dd77489059c680668990c754e0c9b2a
Feb 26, 2021
Langley, Kirsty, 2020, "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring (GEM) discharge data used by Mankoff et al. (2020)",, GEUS Dataverse, V2
Data comes from Kirsty Langley at the Asiaq-Greenland Survey, Nuuk, Greenland, is collected as part of the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring Programme (GEM) project. The data is available from the GEM website ( ) but here is collected into one CSV file and inc...
Oct 23, 2020
Kondo, Ken, 2020, "Discharge measurement at the outlet stream of Qaanaaq Glacier in the summer 2017−2019",, GEUS Dataverse, V2
Data comes from Ken Kondo and Shin Sugiyama at the Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Japan. Additional details on the data collection can be found in the DischargeMeasurement200214.pdf file in this dataset Gauge location: 77.475273975 N, -69.303039228 E
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