731 to 740 of 5,107 Results
Dec 4, 2023 -
Geochemical analyses of Soil samples from Greenland
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 1.8 MB -
MD5: 78a7f2f31673883843aced18a6497cd7
excel file containing all the soil sample data |
Dec 4, 2023 - Greenland Data Centre
Agnete Steenfelt, 2023, "Dataset related to the "Geochemical Atlas of Stream sediment samples from South and West Greenland"", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/FCO8RF, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This data set contains analyses from stream sediment geochemical mapping of West and South Greenland (Steenfelt, 2001a). Stream sediment samples were collected from 1979 to 1998 with as even coverage as possible from low-order streams and with a sampling density between 1 sample... |
Dec 4, 2023 -
Dataset related to the "Geochemical Atlas of Stream sediment samples from South and West Greenland"
JSON - 8.0 MB -
MD5: 297cdb8cc03dcd9374ac61ffedf59d28
geojson file in WGS 84 / UTM zone 24N containing all the stream sediment sample data for the geochemical atlas of South and West Greenland (just drag and drop in QGIS or ArcMap/ArcPro). |
Dec 4, 2023 -
Dataset related to the "Geochemical Atlas of Stream sediment samples from South and West Greenland"
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 1.7 MB -
MD5: b92be2268eeaa07d3351f3a1f4d47b1a
excel file containing all the stream sediment sample data for the geochemical atlas of South and West Greenland |
JSON - 44.2 MB -
MD5: 3df58af4f6a96cf4d4720e895f5940b4
geojson file in WGS 84 / UTM zone 24N containing all the stream sediment sample data (just drag and drop in QGIS or ArcMap/ArcPro) |
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 31.3 MB -
MD5: cfa8d883564293ecf7feee4b9d53f88d
excel file containing all the stream sediment sample data |
Nov 21, 2023 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Binzer, Knud; Lykke-Andersen, Holger; Stockmarr, Jens, 1994, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:500 000. Prækvartæroverfladens højdeforhold. Det danske landområde samt Kattegat, indre farvande og farvandet omkring Bornholm", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/TZLEKA, GEUS Dataverse, V3
Prækvartæroverfladens topografi, dvs højden af overfladen under aflejringerne fra de seneste istider, er fremstillet på baggrund af de geologiske data, der er indsamlet i GEUS' borearkiv. Derudover er anvendt seismiske data udført og indsamlet af blandt andre Geologisk Institut,... |
Unknown - 3.3 MB -
MD5: dcae491fb30a4a47c6b9dfc5c5c1b4ae
Unknown - 8.2 MB -
MD5: a85591977b1520eb94c615969e4931f4
Unknown - 14.3 KB -
MD5: ccbbcc171643dec5794ab391c3c4b817