The Geological Data Centre dataverse includes data and supplementary material submitted to GEUS publications or produced by the Geological Data Centre of GEUS. This dataverse is open for contributions from GEUS laboratories, archives and those providing training, courses or excursions.

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171 to 180 of 4,679 Results
Unknown - 5.5 KB - MD5: e4b688adcafc9ec51fa2651226188c3d
Unknown - 9.4 KB - MD5: 631f4946e6ccac59e3b0e8f390ac7013
Unknown - 11.9 KB - MD5: 4c744f4485035de11caeb6b4d5c7b9f0
Unknown - 7.4 KB - MD5: 2af7171e176f5c80ada78c96ba8e8710
Unknown - 5.9 KB - MD5: 6f4ce3443d5c54c11889eb19ed1c24de
Unknown - 9.4 KB - MD5: 461fceb27adfbd948212b21421e95f0b
Unknown - 11.4 KB - MD5: 1231af3a06f4593e6855b08d0354fc4f
Unknown - 7.2 KB - MD5: 1e0309809e8ed3f58529b0993e4e17fd
Unknown - 5.9 KB - MD5: b97c8bbcc6bb598d24302b36753104b0
Unknown - 9.7 KB - MD5: 4fb859ca392f2513b6ee09d6bd0a265c
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