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751 to 760 of 5,116 Results
Aug 21, 2023 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Voutchkova, Denitza D., 2023, "Supplementary files for: "Temporal variation of iodine in Danish groundwater"",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Iodine is an essential element for human health, and both high and low iodine intake could have negative health outcomes. The spatial variation of iodine in Danish groundwater has been studied before, but to the author’s knowledge, this is the first time that the temporal variati...
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 110.7 KB - MD5: 29857b52ac67c21fd61c684869c677d1
Iodine data in Denmark, 2011–2021.
MS Word - 14.5 KB - MD5: 781ffb789d5424308045af5622062567
A description of how to use this data set.
MS Word - 22.6 KB - MD5: f59ab5ad8133c99da4841dae36c7a1df
Table S1 cited in Voutchkova 2023.
Jun 16, 2023 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Tegner, C; Salmonsen, Lars Peter; Holness, Marian B; Lesher, Charles E; Humphreys, Madeleine C. S; Thy, Peter; Nielsen, Troels F.D, 2023, "Supplementary files for: A whole-rock data set for the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
We report a compilation of new and published whole-rock major and trace element analyses for 646 samples of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland. The samples were collected in 14 stratigraphic profiles either from accessible and well-exposed surface areas or from drill core,...
MS Word - 17.3 KB - MD5: c33b2a616cb2cfeee6631ca11b0870e3
How to cite these data
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 380.9 KB - MD5: fd1555e541847e0fc53f8715fc77d42c
Supplementary Data File 1 Geochemical database for whole rock compositions of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland.
Adobe PDF - 2.3 MB - MD5: 5f2aa6616dbcad76d90bf91855a7fe51
Supplementary Data File 2. Description of sample profiles
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 26.9 KB - MD5: 988e184e40ec64b94684ae83c8f567c2
Supplementary Data File 3. Analytical precision and accuracy
May 23, 2023 - Data Packages
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 2023, "Zinc exploration data package - North Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This data package contains much of the current data available regarding zinc in North Greenland. Size: 2.8 GB. Contents 1. Mineral occurrences List of all known mineral occurrences in the area Descriptions of the individual mineral occurrences 2. Geochemistry Rock samples Excel-f...
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