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821 to 830 of 5,116 Results
ZIP Archive - 840.2 MB - MD5: 50d318f73a72e6b92e14cdbc26a60d40
ZIP Archive - 8.6 KB - MD5: 1648939137d3c6b34ef8796fe1cb9077
May 15, 2023 - Data Packages
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 2023, "Zinc exploration data package - Karrat Group, central West Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This data package contains much of the current data available the Karrat area of central West Greenland. Size: 964 MB. Contents 1) Mineral occurrences list 2) Geochemistry (excel files containing tables of geochemistry) a) Rock samples (GEUS and mineral exploration companies) b)...
ZIP Archive - 963.5 MB - MD5: 4918b109fb7ef5396dd12ee4be001cf0
May 15, 2023 - Data Packages
Hutchison, Mark Thomas, 2020, "Greenland diamond exploration data package",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The Government of Greenland’s Diamond exploration data package compiles over 50 years of diamond exploration data. In addition to samples derived from Greenland’s established areas of diamondiferous rocks in central West Greenland, a wide coverage of regional exploration data ext...
ZIP Archive - 7.8 GB - MD5: 9e7275cb7bd17e493f838af3125b69c1
ZIP Archive - 29.8 KB - MD5: 3689f724ad4d90379307267b58f26a68
Plain Text - 548 B - MD5: 929bf0aa9fdfca9bd685b9cea5072160
May 9, 2023 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
Geological Survey of Greenland and Risø National Laboratory, 2023, "Regional airborne radiometric survey in West Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see: GGU West Greenland survey details. Size: 46 MB.
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