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251 to 260 of 437 Results
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Vejbæk, Ole Valdemar; Britze, Peter, 1994, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:750 000. Top præ-Zechstein (to-vejs løbetid og dybde)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Seismic interpretation, North Sea, Kattegat, Baltic Sea, structural elements, overburden average velocity
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Hoffmann, G.; Laursen, J. Sund; Atzler, R.; Kuijpers, Antoon; Milkert, D., 1994, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:50 000. Kortbladet Flensborg Fjord. Sedimentkort",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Marine geology
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Abatzis, Ioannis; Milthers, Kurt; Møller, Carlos; Torben Bistrup; Britze, Peter; Japsen, Peter; Andersen, Claus, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Den danske Centralgrav. 'Top Kalk' og Post Kalk Gruppen (to-vejs løbetid, dybde og intervalhastighed)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Seismic interpretation, North Sea, Cretaceous, Cenozoic, Tertiary, Danian, chalk, hydrocarbons
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Abatzis, Ioannis; Milthers, Kurt; Møller, Carlos; Vejbæk, Ole Valdemar; Britze, Peter; Japsen, Peter; Andersen, Claus, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Den danske Centralgrav. 'Basis Kalk' og Kalk Gruppen (to-vejs løbetid, dybde, intervalhastighed og vertikal tykkelse)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Seismic interpretation, North Sea, Lower Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous, Cenozoic, Danian, chalk, hydrocarbons
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Abatzis, Ioannis; Poulsen, Kurt Damtoft; Milthers, Kurt; Møller, Carlos; Andersen, Morten Sparre; Langtofte, Carsten; Vejbæk, Ole Valdemar; Britze, Peter; Møller, Jens Jørgen; Japsen, Peter; Andersen, Claus; Rasmussen, Erik Skovbjerg, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Den danske Centralgrav. 'Basis Kridt' og Cromer Knoll Gruppen (to-vejs løbetid, dybde, intervalhastighed og vertikal tykkelse)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Seismic interpretation, North Sea, Lower Cretaceous, hydrocarbons
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Petersen, Kaj Strand; Pedersen, Stig A. Schack, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:50 000. Geologisk kort over Djursland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Danian, Paleocene, Eocene, Holsteinian, Saalian, Weichselian, Holocene, Glacial geology, glacial features, glacial tectonics, drumlins, outwash plains
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Lemke, Wolfram; Kuijpers, Antoon; Jensen, Jørn Bo, 1996, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Kortbladet Femer Bælt - Arkona Bassinet. Sen-kvartære aflejringer",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Weichselian, Holocene, Baltic Sea, Baltic Ice Lake, marine geology,
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Britze, Peter; Japsen, Peter; Andersen, Claus, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Den danske Centralgrav. 'Basis Øvre Jura' og Øvre Jura (to-vejs løbetid, dybde, intervalhastighed og vertikal tykkelse)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Seismic interpretation, North Sea, Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic, hydrocarbons
May 30, 2022 - Greenland Data Centre
GEUS, 2022, "Greenland's Intrusive and Stratigraphic Database",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Website including databases of stratigraphic units used in Greenland and intrusions and magmatic complexes in Greenland. This data product is a website. The page you are looking at is just the DOI reference to the website. The website can be found at Greenland's Stratigraphic and...
May 16, 2022 - Geological Maps and Sections - Greenland
Escher, Arturo E., 1971, "Geological map of Greenland, 1:500 000, Sheet 3, Søndre Strømfjord - Nûgssuaq",, GEUS Dataverse, V6
Geologisk kort over Grønland / Geological map of Greenland - 1:500 000, central West Greenland,
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