The Geological Data Centre dataverse includes data and supplementary material submitted to GEUS publications or produced by the Geological Data Centre of GEUS. This dataverse is open for contributions from GEUS laboratories, archives and those providing training, courses or excursions.

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Adobe PDF - 9.7 MB - MD5: 93d93fdf10b098c8d7036d018d6c157b
Adobe PDF - 109.0 KB - MD5: e66f123a120542b396a00179e81cbead
Adobe PDF - 109.5 KB - MD5: 671bae977cba9d7cb7931ce8e2d3e6cd
Adobe PDF - 85.2 KB - MD5: d87a5f4ca6686ba1a80fbc36b1223efc
Adobe PDF - 85.6 KB - MD5: baecefe08051cafb8e62d79475661cbf
Adobe PDF - 123.8 KB - MD5: ca8ba591323a36fa98953abf75932080
Adobe PDF - 123.9 KB - MD5: e641e84edd0ec9aef81a6d605063fe99
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