The Geological Data Centre dataverse includes data and supplementary material submitted to GEUS publications or produced by the Geological Data Centre of GEUS. This dataverse is open for contributions from GEUS laboratories, archives and those providing training, courses or excursions.

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Adobe PDF - 37.6 MB - MD5: e3f946e7a3cf7f499222d7dda73f2271
Comma Separated Values - 222.4 KB - MD5: e0a4a9e52b554834812d19ab10241495
Comma Separated Values - 355.4 KB - MD5: 494654176200904f83bf9d6d89668ab1
Comma Separated Values - 133.9 KB - MD5: fd59670324cbf10a859c02f51d19aa78
Comma Separated Values - 115.2 KB - MD5: a999ee004f69bbdd90e1bd09f4257adf
Comma Separated Values - 94.1 KB - MD5: 0a3a4742e0ff91473bab094d45694086
Comma Separated Values - 44.7 KB - MD5: 64a3fcba75135777d0002b7109e75b82
Comma Separated Values - 234.6 KB - MD5: 425337e860fc20dce3b7851c9f0bf935
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