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301 to 310 of 5,107 Results
Unknown - 42.6 KB - MD5: 7a8576034fab4ea5261527ffbc7915f8
QGIS style file for polygons of Greenland subglacial geologic provinces
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 2.2 MB - MD5: 0a568e254baa300ecc33b77f7e17fee5
Shapefile of polygons of Greenland subglacial geologic provinces
TIFF Image - 689.9 MB - MD5: 2f93a96c2b10fb6afd9293d5d308640b
Flow-aware hillshade of the Greenland Ice Sheet, based on GrIMP DEM at 150-m posting (GeoTIFF, EPSG:3413 projection, same as BedMachine Greenland v5)
TIFF Image - 185.5 KB - MD5: 7b5f7d5e55c901a7504c2221ed1c81fb
Depth to Moho (km) from Darbyshire et al. (2018; doi:10.1093/gji/ggx479)
TIFF Image - 185.5 KB - MD5: 5aa9d79e7802509226ad0d8935fb2d42
S-wave speed (km/s) at 10 km depth from Darbyshire et al. (2018; doi:10.1093/gji/ggx479)
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 6.8 KB - MD5: 2cbf02c755516a228a94b45fca420297
Shapefile of apparent boundaries in Bouguer gravity anomaly
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 9.0 KB - MD5: cc27117bf3bb5f181e853382a4ef7d08
Shapefile of apparent boundaries in magnetic anomaly
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 2.7 KB - MD5: b50f68f64e8a6e3e50db17904ad32e73
Shapefile of apparent boundaries in depth to Moho
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 9.0 KB - MD5: e44380f1d843620485fb8ca0a38544ac
Shapefile of apparent boundaries of subglacial geology
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 6.0 KB - MD5: 982630cff679845182a3284799bd0b0f
Shapefile of apparent boundaries in ice surface expression of topography
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