The Geological Data Centre dataverse includes data and supplementary material submitted to GEUS publications or produced by the Geological Data Centre of GEUS. This dataverse is open for contributions from GEUS laboratories, archives and those providing training, courses or excursions.

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Adobe PDF - 13.7 MB - MD5: adca70c737da858ec390a9d4afa79fc4
TIFF Image - 122.1 MB - MD5: e74a60a55cf324cd36fedc21bc750a32
Adobe PDF - 13.3 MB - MD5: e2da4357df580ca0400ffb1b297db174
TIFF Image - 147.0 MB - MD5: 342ecc4965bf0e3b22d9764ccd7cf85a
Adobe PDF - 20.7 MB - MD5: ec13d1467724c5c9bc9f2b87829f848b
TIFF Image - 161.0 MB - MD5: 4e2af25c572561c998747e0860315c31
Adobe PDF - 8.5 MB - MD5: 59b0cda0cd16385675a85f8f7efedb57
TIFF Image - 155.7 MB - MD5: af59f9fec7825423954a2efdc6322aa0
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