The Geological Data Centre dataverse includes data and supplementary material submitted to GEUS publications or produced by the Geological Data Centre of GEUS. This dataverse is open for contributions from GEUS laboratories, archives and those providing training, courses or excursions.

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1,311 to 1,320 of 4,679 Results
dBASE Table for ESRI Shapefile - 7.0 MB - MD5: b641471994137c21bf8e2b066700846e
ESRI Spatial Index - 1.5 MB - MD5: a6995bd0ae1f224d20ea50c2589607f7
ESRI Spatial Index - 30.4 KB - MD5: 49df418756be412a1103ef3536f3175e
dBASE Table for ESRI Shapefile - 738.7 KB - MD5: 20591eed4410f7579d151f22af809d04
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