The Geological Data Centre dataverse includes data and supplementary material submitted to GEUS publications or produced by the Geological Data Centre of GEUS. This dataverse is open for contributions from GEUS laboratories, archives and those providing training, courses or excursions.

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Data Packages(
Mar 16, 2023Greenland Data Centre
This Dataverse comprise data compilations on Greenland mineral resources
Mar 16, 2023 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
Aerodat Inc. for NAMA Greenland Ltd, 2011, "Aeromagnetic and radiometric survey of Haematite Nunatak, Melville Bugt Iron Ore, North-West Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see: Aerodat Melville Bugt iron ore survey details. Size: 567 MB.
ZIP Archive - 567.0 MB - MD5: 9f84bf13a8d64652096069bda8b588ed
Mar 16, 2023 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
Aerodat Inc. for Fjordland Minerals Ltd, 1997, "Airborne frequency-domain electromagnetic and magnetic surveys between Nordre Strømfjord and Nuuk, southern and central West Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see: Aerodat western Greenland survey details. Size: 64 MB.
Mar 16, 2023 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
Aerodat Inc. for Monopros Ltd, 1997, "Airborne frequency-domain electromagnetic and magnetic surveys in the Sisimiut, Sartartoq and Isukasia areas, southern West Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see: Aerodat south-west Greenland surveys details. Size: 63 MB.
Mar 16, 2023 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
Aurum Exploration Ltd, 2014, "Ground-based gravity measurements at the Black Angel Mine, Maarmorilik, central West Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see: Aurium Exploration Black Angel survey details. Size: 1.5 MB.
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