The Geological Data Centre dataverse includes data and supplementary material submitted to GEUS publications or produced by the Geological Data Centre of GEUS. This dataverse is open for contributions from GEUS laboratories, archives and those providing training, courses or excursions.

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1,071 to 1,080 of 5,116 Results
Unknown - 18.6 KB - MD5: 34eea102b299b0613d90589c47073e39
Unknown - 12.8 KB - MD5: 5a592907e839f099375a00999e5b9c76
Unknown - 10.7 KB - MD5: a00bc497b71b0717dd72a444946f4612
Unknown - 10.7 KB - MD5: 67c61eaf78186f0d892ffb32acf128ca
Unknown - 8.6 KB - MD5: 4b4dd294baf6ff6292583cdb5308ae72
Adobe PDF - 13.2 KB - MD5: 369842fedd666b24cb00e03d972e5d51
Adobe PDF - 342.6 KB - MD5: 185c6ccfd614472dc5062fad42f73a01
Unknown - 17.3 KB - MD5: 74e0abc0a86600eb89a8a636c33530b8
Unknown - 17.3 KB - MD5: 74e0abc0a86600eb89a8a636c33530b8
Unknown - 12.0 KB - MD5: 620007e88559512f2a6b34bb5960d575
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