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691 to 700 of 5,116 Results
Adobe PDF - 7.0 MB - MD5: 2eda58306dc9d95b19be936ae38085f2
TIFF Image - 245.4 MB - MD5: f6923d74ea9d63e05f0864cdb643cce8
Dec 20, 2023 - Greenland Data Centre
Agnete Steenfelt, 2023, "Calibrated dataset for selected elements in stream sediment and soil samples from North Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V2
This dataset contains data from the geochemical mapping of North Greenland that are relevant for an evaluation of the potential for zinc mineralisation: CaO, K2O, Ba, Cu, Sr, Zn. The data represent the most reliable analytical values from 2469 stream sediment and 204 soil samples...
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 300.4 KB - MD5: 4952e6be4eddc960e5e098d694f998b9
excel file containing all the stream sediment sample data for the geochemical atlas of North Greenland
JSON - 1.7 MB - MD5: 17639cf0354115d8e90d750c61bff913
geojson file in WGS 84 / UTM zone 24N containing all the stream sediment sample data for the geochemical atlas of North Greenland (just drag and drop in QGIS or ArcMap/ArcPro)
Dec 19, 2023 - Topographic maps
GEUS, 2023, "75 Ø.3 Dronning Louise Land, sydl. del. Topographic map, 1:250 000",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Topographic map of Greenland, 1:250 000, 75 Ø.3 Dronning Louise Land, sydl. del. 400 dpi. Coloured maps at 1:250 000 with contour interval 100 m. A set of 53 digital maps covers North and North-East Greenland from lnglefield Land in the west to Scoresby Sund in the east. One addi...
Adobe PDF - 6.4 MB - MD5: 23b4d82669b28075c68c2c6550f7785e
TIFF Image - 245.4 MB - MD5: f04d20941a25e0abba8f86410dc6686c
Dec 19, 2023 - Topographic maps
GEUS, 2023, "76 Ø.2 Dronning Louise Land nordl. del. Topographic map, 1:250 000",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Topographic map of Greenland, 1:250 000, 76 Ø.2 Dronning Louise Land nordl. del. 400 dpi. Coloured maps at 1:250 000 with contour interval 100 m. A set of 53 digital maps covers North and North-East Greenland from lnglefield Land in the west to Scoresby Sund in the east. One addi...
Adobe PDF - 8.3 MB - MD5: 28ca6aeed7ba9941af1a459782417501
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