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13,991 to 14,000 of 16,178 Results
Sep 22, 2023 - Energy resources
Peter Frykman, 2020, "3D static reservoir model of the Havnsø structure in Petrel™ format, v. 2020",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
3D numerical reservoir model of the Gassum Formation in the Havnsø structure (western Zealand, Denmark) in Petrel™ format. The model is based on a simplistic facies model which at present does not reflect the complex sand/shale architecture of the Gassum Formation. The model uses...
ZIP Archive - 127.0 MB - MD5: d42916569a132b8dc698d7b039a9c138
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 228.0 KB - MD5: 8c1899dd70870eb5fe1e3afd61a5680c
Sep 22, 2023 - Energy resources
GEUS, 2014, "Standard lithostratigraphic scheme for the central North Sea area",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Standard lithostratigraphic scheme for the central North Sea area compiled using UK, Norwegian and Danish sources
Sep 11, 2023 - Nature and climate
Larocca, L. J.; Twining–Ward, M.; Axford, Y.; Schweinsberg, A. D.; Larsen, S. H.; Westergaard–Nielsen, A.; Luetzenburg, G.; Briner, J. P.; Kjeldsen, K. K.; Bjørk, A. A., 2023, "Retreat rates of land-terminating glaciers in Greenland in the twentieth and twenty–first centuries",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The dataset contains data published in this paper by Larocca et al. "Greenland–wide accelerated retreat of peripheral glaciers in the twenty–first century"
Comma Separated Values - 4.5 KB - MD5: eae267918a73a6f0d6b9144d9ca12ae7
Comma Separated Values - 37.4 KB - MD5: 353fa540367b4f1f8ded1db76b12dc8a
Comma Separated Values - 9.8 KB - MD5: aa2ad0c913c9fb9559d3b19ae2e06647
Comma Separated Values - 6.8 KB - MD5: d0f710cdcdc0c2c4ea5cb46353ca72c6
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