1 to 10 of 170 Results
Mar 13, 2025 - Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE) and the Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net)
van As, Dirk, 2022, "Watson River discharge", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/XEHYCM, GEUS Dataverse, V4
Hourly, daily and yearly values of meltwater discharge through the Watson River, west Greenland, according to the method described in the associated scientific publications. |
Feb 26, 2025 - Automatic weather stations
How, P.; Lund, M.C.; Ahlstrøm, A.P.; Andersen, S.B.; Box, J. E.; Citterio, M.; Colgan, W.T.; Fausto. R.S.; Karlsson, N.B.; Jakobsen, J.; Larsen, S.H.; Mankoff, K.D.; Pedersen, A.Ø; Rutishauser, A.; Shield, C.L.; Solgaard, A.M.; van As, D.; Vandecrux, B.; Abermann, J.; Bjørk, A.A.; Langley, K.; Lea, J.; Prinz, R.; Wright, P.J., 2022, "PROMICE and GC-Net automated weather station data in Greenland", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/IW73UU, GEUS Dataverse, V22
PROMICE and GC-Net automated weather station (AWS) data in Greenland. The data is available either as csv or netcdf files. Station locations, installation (if necessary, decommission) date, location type (tundra, ice sheet, local glacier), station type (one or two levels of measu... |
Jan 30, 2025 - Water resources
Koch, Julian, 2022, "Water table depth for Danish lowland soils", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/0AFGQT, GEUS Dataverse, V3
The map depicts a long-term average water table depth in Danish lowland soils at 10 m spatial resolution. The long-term average represents summer conditions for a time period from 2000 to 2020. The map has been generated using a gradient boosting with decision tree algorithm, sim... |
Oct 15, 2024 - Nature and climate
Mankoff, Ken; Løkkegaard, Anja; Colgan, William; Thomsen, Henrik; Clow, Gary; Fisher, David; Zdanowicz, Christian; Lüthi, Martin P.; Vinther, Bo; MacGregor, Joseph A.; McDowell, Ian; Zekollari, Harry; Meierbachtol, Toby; Doyle, Samuel; Law, Robert; Hills, Benjamin; Harper, Joel; Humphrey, Neil; Hubbard, Bryn; Christoffersen, Poul; Jacquemart, Mylène; Seguinot, Julien; Welty, Ethan, 2022, "Greenland and Canadian Arctic ice temperature profiles database", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/3BVF9V, GEUS Dataverse, V4
Data for the "Greenland deep ice temperature database" publication. Source for data is available at https://github.com/GEUS-Glaciology-and-Climate/greenland_ice_borehole_temperature_profiles/ |
Jul 17, 2024 - Automatic weather stations
Steffen, K.; Vandecrux, B.; Houtz, D.; Abdalati, W.; Bayou, N.; Box, J.E.; Colgan, W.T.; Espona Pernas, L.; Griessinger, N.; Haas-Artho, D.; Heilig, A.; Hubert, A.; Iosifescu Enescu, I.; Johnson-Amin, N.; Karlsson, N.B.; Kurup Buchholz, R.; McGrath, D.; Cullen, N.J.; Naderpour, R.; Molotch, N.P.; Pedersen, A.Ø.; Perren, B.; Philipps, T.; Plattner, G.-K.; Proksch, M.; Revheim, M.K.; Særrelse, M.; Schneebli, M.; Sampson, K.; Starkweather, S.; Steffen, S.; Stroeve, J.; Watler, B.; Winton, Ø.A.; Zwally, J.; Ahlstrøm, A., 2022, "GC-Net Level 1 historical automated weather station data", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/VVXGUT, GEUS Dataverse, V8
GC-Net Level 1 automated weather station data In Memory of Dr. Konrad (Koni) Steffen Author: B. Vandecrux Contact: bav@geus.dk Last update: 2023-09-01 Citation Steffen, K.; Vandecrux, B.; Houtz, D.; Abdalati, W.; Bayou, N.; Box, J.; Colgan, L.; Espona Pernas, L.; Griessinger, N.;... |
Feb 9, 2024 - Ice velocity
Solgaard, Anne Munck; Kusk, Anders, 2022, "Greenland Ice Velocity from Sentinel-1 Edition 3", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/ZEGVXU, GEUS Dataverse, V38
Greenland Ice Velocity from Sentinel-1 The PROMICE Ice Velocity product is a timeseries of Greenland Ice Sheet velocity mosaics based on ESA Sentinel-1 SAR offset tracking. The product spans the period January 2016 to present. Spatial resolution: 500 m Temporal resolution: A new... |
Feb 1, 2024 - Denmark Data Center
GEUS, 2023, "Jupiter boringsdatabasen", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/8YYXXN, GEUS Dataverse, V3
Jupiter er GEUS' landsdækkende database for grundvands-, drikkevands-, råstof-, miljø- og geotekniske data. Databasen er den fællesoffentlige database på området og indgår i Danmarks Miljøportal. Databasen er offentligt tilgængelig. Databasen opdateres dagligt og kan downloades h... |
Nov 21, 2023 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Binzer, Knud; Lykke-Andersen, Holger; Stockmarr, Jens, 1994, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:500 000. Prækvartæroverfladens højdeforhold. Det danske landområde samt Kattegat, indre farvande og farvandet omkring Bornholm", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/TZLEKA, GEUS Dataverse, V3
Prækvartæroverfladens topografi, dvs højden af overfladen under aflejringerne fra de seneste istider, er fremstillet på baggrund af de geologiske data, der er indsamlet i GEUS' borearkiv. Derudover er anvendt seismiske data udført og indsamlet af blandt andre Geologisk Institut,... |
Nov 21, 2023 - SICE - Arctic and Antarctic land ice snow and ice surface properties from Sentinel-3 OLCI
Wehrlé, Adrien; Box, Jason; Vandecrux, Baptiste; Mankoff, Ken, 2022, "SICEv2.3.2 Iceland snow and ice broadband albedo and surface optical properties from Sentinel-3’s OLCI at 1000 m resolution, 2017-2023", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/UK14TP, GEUS Dataverse, V3
Timespan 1 April, to 31 September for each year 2017 to 2023 and is being updated starting ~April each year Description For multiple Arctic glaciated regions (Table 1), 1km daily data (Table 2) from the SICE v1.6 algorithm, see Wehrlé et al (2021) and Kokhanovsky et al (2019) for... |
Sep 15, 2023 - DK-model2019
Troldborg, Lars, 2022, "DK-model2019 - modelsetup (area: DK7)", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/TC4IB6, GEUS Dataverse, V3
This .zip file contains DK-model2019, area DK7 (Bornholm) as a coupled MIKE SHE/MIKE HYDRO River model setup. The National Hydrological Model (DK-Model) is set up in the MIKE SHE/MIKE HYDRO River model system, which constitutes a deterministic fully distributed and physically bas... |