Studying the geological conditions and processes on land, by the coast and offshore to monitor natural resources and climate. Programme areas include studying the Greenland ice sheet, land and sea, climate change adaptation, earthquakes and seismology and palaeoclimate.

The Nature and climate programme includes contributions from the following departments at GEUS:
  • Geochemistry
  • Geophysics
  • Glaciology and Climate
  • Groundwater and Quaternary Geology Mapping
  • Hydrology
  • Marine Geology
  • Reservoir Geology
  • Stratigraphy

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24,201 to 24,210 of 24,469 Results
Unknown - 23.9 KB - MD5: c9737efe56c8e2f3c3bea22be68a9b7b
Geothermal heat flow map from machine-learning algorithm (55 km native resolution) - including NGRIP
Plain Text - 169.9 KB - MD5: dd4ff64dfe3195a7011c327b1dba0420
Geothermal heat flow output (min, mean, max) from machine learning algorithm - including NGRIP
Plain Text - 169.8 KB - MD5: b6f847b9f0caa473752b8fef75086df8
Geothermal heat flow output (min, mean, max) from machine learning algorithm
Unknown - 192.4 KB - MD5: 9e4445114b9cd0b866ffa51249e3ebe5
Geothermal heat flow map from machine-learning algorithm (10 km interpolated resolution)
Unknown - 23.9 KB - MD5: b53fa686d26113c93bebebfb61e23cf9
Geothermal heat flow map from machine-learning algorithm (55 km native resolution)
Unknown - 6.3 KB - MD5: 81eeef890df7f1d6b51d821023fa0f42
Domain shapefile: area within 500 km of Greenland's coasts (EPSG:3413).
Unknown - 211.4 KB - MD5: 76c2bbe9c34ec89a815f082f28d3112e
Spreadsheet of heat flow measurement database.
Unknown - 55.8 KB - MD5: ff192fd9b8c48016af4ed7be12269f78
Shapefile of heat flow measurement database in EPSG:3413 projection.
Unknown - 11.2 KB - MD5: 015f10a85346baec3fa9dbaa93b6a83b
Inventory of Greenland hots springs compiled by Hjartarson and Armannsson (2010)
Unknown - 1.5 KB - MD5: 663ff94936026a2bbd654a9e394f6ab5
Code sample: subglacial temperature extrapolation and heat flow calculation (Devon72)
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