Studying the geological conditions and processes on land, by the coast and offshore to monitor natural resources and climate. Programme areas include studying the Greenland ice sheet, land and sea, climate change adaptation, earthquakes and seismology and palaeoclimate.

The Nature and climate programme includes contributions from the following departments at GEUS:
  • Geochemistry
  • Geophysics
  • Glaciology and Climate
  • Groundwater and Quaternary Geology Mapping
  • Hydrology
  • Marine Geology
  • Reservoir Geology
  • Stratigraphy

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Fixed Field Text Data - 3.9 MB - MD5: 036c4dc4469c7327d20bf03ed32eeb5e
Plain Text - 1.8 KB - MD5: 53d1e6957fcfe63a3dde8fc93318c03e
overview of study figures including their workflow
Unknown - 20.1 KB - MD5: 41c81a0deb150434b6c35b4435914451
Lake core CN and stable isotope data NOW25c
Plain Text - 36.6 KB - MD5: 21030845909adf187fc892e21821c2a4
Code share for Generalised Additive Model Analyses Supplementary Figures 7-15
MATLAB Data - 9.7 KB - MD5: dbb98c18048a81c969914997c1f7f388
Sample code for the Monte Carlo and Principle Component Analyses of the sediment records.
MATLAB Source Code - 4.1 KB - MD5: d0efffbbad43214ff24ff90654d80478
Sample code for the Monte Carlo and Principle Component Analyses of the sediment records.
Plain Text - 2.3 KB - MD5: dca3620e30f0df685409c8c446b8b964
Sample code for the Monte Carlo and Principle Component Analyses of the sediment records.
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