Studying the geological conditions and processes on land, by the coast and offshore to monitor natural resources and climate. Programme areas include studying the Greenland ice sheet, land and sea, climate change adaptation, earthquakes and seismology and palaeoclimate.

The Nature and climate programme includes contributions from the following departments at GEUS:
  • Geochemistry
  • Geophysics
  • Glaciology and Climate
  • Groundwater and Quaternary Geology Mapping
  • Hydrology
  • Marine Geology
  • Reservoir Geology
  • Stratigraphy

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25,491 to 25,500 of 25,541 Results
Plain Text - 114.1 KB - MD5: a57fc733c9005096b04cfcf442c06e70
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Topography from AeroDEM 1978.
TIFF Image - 47.3 MB - MD5: 8d4169ef719746309ceae37060bf1f69
AsterDEM 2002 topography. The DEM was extracted using MMASTER (Girod and others, 2017; Hugonnet and others, 2021) and bias corrected using the ArcticDEM mosaic (Porter and others, 2018). Girod L, Nuth C, Kääb A, McNabb R and Galland O (2017) MMASTER: improved ASTER DEMs for el...
Plain Text - 6.4 KB - MD5: 907c3b6f3716f284edf9dc353f733a5d
Data for Figure 3a. First column contains distance from grounding line m. Subsequent columns contain model outputs for the given year in SI-units (Pa m^{-1/3} s^{1/3}).
Plain Text - 567 B - MD5: 90a51bc3319808bdad3eb4e3bab54cdb
Topographies from PROMICE surveys 2007, 2011 and 2015.
May 18, 2022
Box, Jason, 2022, "Supporting codes and data for GRL study - Greenland Ice Sheet Rainfall, Heat and Albedo Feedback Impacts from the Mid-August 2021 Atmospheric River",, GEUS Dataverse, V3
in compliance with AGU journal requirements, a tar.gz file contains data and codes used in this study.
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