Studying the geological conditions and processes on land, by the coast and offshore to monitor natural resources and climate. Programme areas include studying the Greenland ice sheet, land and sea, climate change adaptation, earthquakes and seismology and palaeoclimate.

The Nature and climate programme includes contributions from the following departments at GEUS:
  • Geochemistry
  • Geophysics
  • Glaciology and Climate
  • Groundwater and Quaternary Geology Mapping
  • Hydrology
  • Marine Geology
  • Reservoir Geology
  • Stratigraphy

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SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
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SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 2.5 MB - MD5: 3728713c12817fbe0f721b3e29ca10ad
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 4.0 MB - MD5: 64306626099b1469e2507326d821bc29
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 3.6 MB - MD5: f288e03f8fd8a4161a6c7d95f84a4f10
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 2.4 MB - MD5: 02177f99f5cf5cefb3065acf27594455
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 4.8 MB - MD5: bb19a42e61e53b2ae2ee9c654efe3ce0
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 267.5 KB - MD5: eead14f3b7dc95b1504aa7152d562368
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 1.4 MB - MD5: 3f1db8184be0192548fd431a48b804ac
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 2.4 MB - MD5: 65808a058d56b0bf8cb44bbce4b30d5c
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
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