Studying the geological conditions and processes on land, by the coast and offshore to monitor natural resources and climate. Programme areas include studying the Greenland ice sheet, land and sea, climate change adaptation, earthquakes and seismology and palaeoclimate.

The Nature and climate programme includes contributions from the following departments at GEUS:
  • Geochemistry
  • Geophysics
  • Glaciology and Climate
  • Groundwater and Quaternary Geology Mapping
  • Hydrology
  • Marine Geology
  • Reservoir Geology
  • Stratigraphy

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24,041 to 24,050 of 24,450 Results
Plain Text - 49.0 KB - MD5: 826b98f699350565ee8dab6978526389
Plain Text - 12.2 KB - MD5: e50ff8886215b53a85ec87de18e998e0
Plain Text - 47.5 KB - MD5: d33f1ced920a01c496c1193215c182b5
Plain Text - 32.1 KB - MD5: 8419420c15384085350d08b5cb01005c
Plain Text - 23.3 KB - MD5: 05a21e6f72d6bddb31f399b50948cbc1
Unknown - 735.6 KB - MD5: 0801436a8bb9bed304734e91d74545a7
initial assessment (1995-2015)
Unknown - 370.9 KB - MD5: 2679a51ed8cca925642e0527653ad834
updated assessment (1995-2019)
Plain Text - 250.5 MB - MD5: 6ddff99d44514faccfaa4b7e358593dd
Basal melt rates as csv file
Unknown - 151.8 MB - MD5: b8c1c283e15bfc8021d3b33dfeb69137
Basal melt rates as MATLAB file
Unknown - 312.4 MB - MD5: b54b06952b4f512d649573953e844023
Basal melt rates as NetCDF file
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