Studying the geological conditions and processes on land, by the coast and offshore to monitor natural resources and climate. Programme areas include studying the Greenland ice sheet, land and sea, climate change adaptation, earthquakes and seismology and palaeoclimate.

The Nature and climate programme includes contributions from the following departments at GEUS:
  • Geochemistry
  • Geophysics
  • Glaciology and Climate
  • Groundwater and Quaternary Geology Mapping
  • Hydrology
  • Marine Geology
  • Reservoir Geology
  • Stratigraphy

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SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
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SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
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SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 3.6 MB - MD5: 02fd5c51230eb75b0d80b39d38a054c3
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 2.9 MB - MD5: cd0d108de1a3bd9c529bfe1637ff606e
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 3.4 MB - MD5: 07c7811defb4d8f1d35f21e4de7a5988
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 1.3 MB - MD5: 76aa903469fdcd32de2aa08efe5be345
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 2.6 MB - MD5: 58e9506583d9be923d61f81b9a173d22
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 4.5 MB - MD5: 2e4eeb36e62ca6c546c37030ccf61bc0
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
TIFF Image - 2.7 MB - MD5: d32bb4dfe8685e84fcdb091a96f28fd5
SICE version: Cloud removed, PPGC, SNAP7, pySICEv1.4
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