Output of the optical retrievals of snow and ice properties using Sentinel-3 OLCI instrument::
- mosaics of top-of-the-atmosphere OLCI reflectances
- spectral/broadband albedo
- Snow specific surface area (SSA) and optical grain diameter
- cloud mask

The current ver. 1 daily product has 1 km horizontal resolution.

The featured regions provide coverage for Arctic glaciated land ice areas (ranked by area): Greenland; Northern Arctic Canada; Southern Arctic Canada; Svalbard; Novaya Zemlya; Severnaya Zemlya; Iceland and Frans Josef Land


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  • Kokhanovsky, A.; Box, J.; Vandecrux, B. Pre-operational Sentinel-3 Snow and Ice (SICE) Products: Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document. Preprints 2020, https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202009.0529.v1).
  • Kokhanovsky A.A., B. Vandecrux, A. Wehrlé, O. Danne, C. Brockmann, J.E. Box, An Improved Retrieval of Snow and Ice Properties Using Spaceborne OLCI/S-3 Spectral Reflectance Measurements: Updated Atmospheric Correction and Snow Impurity Load Estimation, Remote Sensing, in review Dec, 2022. preprint

  • Related studies:
  • Kokhanovsky, A.; Lamare, M.; Danne, O.; Brockmann, C.; Dumont, M.; Picard, G.; Arnaud, L.; Favier, V.; Jourdain, B.; Le Meur, E.; Di Mauro, B.; Aoki, T.; Niwano, M.; Rozanov, V.; Korkin, S.; Kipfstuhl, S.; Freitag, J.; Hoerhold, M.; Zuhr, A.; Vladimirova, D.; Faber, A.-K.; Steen-Larsen, H.C.; Wahl, S.; Andersen, J.K.; Vandecrux, B.; van As, D.; Mankoff, K.D.; Kern, M.; Zege, E.; Box, J.E. Retrieval of Snow Properties from the Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2280. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11192280
  • Kokhanovsky, A.; Box, J.E.; Vandecrux, B.; Mankoff, K.D.; Lamare, M.; Smirnov, A.; Kern, M. The Determination of Snow Albedo from Satellite Measurements Using Fast Atmospheric Correction Technique. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 234. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12020234
  • Wehrlé, A.; Box, J. E.; Niwano, M.; Anesio, A. M.; Fausto, R. S. Greenland bare-ice albedo from PROMICE automatic weather station measurements and Sentinel-3 satellite observations. GEUS Bulletin, 2021, 47. https://doi.org/10.34194/geusb.v47.5284
  • Vandecrux, B.; Box, J.E.; Wehrlé, A.; Kokhanovsky, A.A.; Picard, G.; Niwano, M.; Hörhold, M.; Faber, A.-K.; Steen-Larsen, H.C. The Determination of the Snow Optical Grain Diameter and Snowmelt Area on the Greenland Ice Sheet Using Spaceborne Optical Observations. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 932. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14040932
  • Kokhanovsky A.A., B. Vandecrux, A. Wehrlé, O. Danne, C. Brockmann, J.E. Box, An Improved Retrieval of Snow and Ice Properties Using Spaceborne OLCI/S-3 Spectral Reflectance Measurements: Updated Atmospheric Correction and Snow Impurity Load Estimation, Remote Sensing, in review Dec, 2022. preprint

  • Associated ESA contracts
    SICE has been supported by the following contracts to the European Space Agency (ESA): ol>
  • Dec. 2016 – Jan. 2019 SEOM S34Sci Land Study 1: Snow, ESRIN Contract 4000118926/16/I-NB
  • Dec. 2018 – Jul. 2020 EO Science For Society, ESA/Contract 4000125043/18/I-NB - ESA/AO/1-9101/17/I-NB EO SCIENCE FOR SOCIETY, Pre-operational Sentinel-3 Snow and Ice Products (SICE)
  • Jan. 2019 – Dec. 2020 ESA PRODEX, An operational service of new Sentinel-3 algorithms for climate monitoring of the Greenland Cryosphere within the CryoClim network
  • May 2021 - June 2023 ESA PRODEX, Seamless Integration of Sentinel-3 Albedos in a Weather-modelling System (SISAWS)
  • Feb 2022 - Oct. 2023 ESA EO Science For Society, Snow and ICE optical and physical properties from Sentinel-3 (SICE), ESA CCN contract 4000125043/18/I-NB
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    Network Common Data Form - 66.2 MB - MD5: 05742f2a83a9c1f7e4f4084b5e1ee401
    EDC SICE output: SICEv3.0_AlaskaYukon_500m_2022-04-29.nc, date: 2022-04-29
    Network Common Data Form - 66.2 MB - MD5: 05742f2a83a9c1f7e4f4084b5e1ee401
    EDC SICE output: SICEv3.0_AlaskaYukon_500m_2022_04_29.nc, date: 2022_04_29
    Network Common Data Form - 68.7 MB - MD5: ddd566b25ffed66b9bd6b1443fa0297c
    EDC SICE output: SICEv3.0_AlaskaYukon_500m_2022-04-30.nc, date: 2022-04-30
    Network Common Data Form - 68.7 MB - MD5: ddd566b25ffed66b9bd6b1443fa0297c
    EDC SICE output: SICEv3.0_AlaskaYukon_500m_2022_04_30.nc, date: 2022_04_30
    Network Common Data Form - 14.1 MB - MD5: b8689d24e2b7d63183749d11921d1367
    EDC SICE output: SICEv3.0_AlaskaYukon_500m_2022-05-01.nc, date: 2022-05-01
    Network Common Data Form - 14.1 MB - MD5: b8689d24e2b7d63183749d11921d1367
    EDC SICE output: SICEv3.0_AlaskaYukon_500m_2022_05_01.nc, date: 2022_05_01
    Network Common Data Form - 5.9 MB - MD5: bdaacb8490580c55cdfedea57197ef3e
    EDC SICE output: SICEv3.0_AlaskaYukon_500m_2022-05-02.nc, date: 2022-05-02
    Network Common Data Form - 5.9 MB - MD5: bdaacb8490580c55cdfedea57197ef3e
    EDC SICE output: SICEv3.0_AlaskaYukon_500m_2022_05_02.nc, date: 2022_05_02
    Network Common Data Form - 13.9 MB - MD5: 8663c4470a4616b5109c0cc765f6d240
    EDC SICE output: SICEv3.0_AlaskaYukon_500m_2022-05-03.nc, date: 2022-05-03
    Network Common Data Form - 13.9 MB - MD5: 8663c4470a4616b5109c0cc765f6d240
    EDC SICE output: SICEv3.0_AlaskaYukon_500m_2022_05_03.nc, date: 2022_05_03
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