Building knowledge to optimise the management and protection of Danish water resources and the public’s drinking water supply as well as the impact of groundwater on Danish nature and the environment. Programme areas include mapping, establishing and managing monitoring programmes, understanding the water cycle and water quality.

The Water resources programme includes contributions from the following departments at GEUS:
  • Groundwater and Quaternary Geology Mapping
  • Geochemistry
  • Hydrology

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551 to 560 of 562 Results
Plain Text - 9.3 KB - MD5: d80754beffb8ffec3c1c27a75aff7a62
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Plain Text - 479 B - MD5: 1ba9192f7754bb0a93b6d61e4034e2f5
Plain Text - 1.9 KB - MD5: 48b863094a7a30e92969dbec79ca2198
Unknown - 30.3 KB - MD5: fff0aba8e3fb971ebef709293573ff1f
Jan 10, 2022
Seidenfaden, Ida Karlsson, 2022, "Redoxmaps from CRES2016",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Resulting redoxmaps from the paper Maps are given for 45 combinations of 4 land use scenarioes, observational land use and climate data, and four different future climate models. Please see publication for details.
Dec 7, 2021
Koch, Julian, 2021, "Catchment Dataset Denmark",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This dataset can be used as input data for rainfall-runoff modelling for over 300 Danish catchments. Specifically, this dataset was used for a machine learning (LSTM) model application using the neuralhydrology codebase: The data provided allows...
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