Building knowledge to optimise the management and protection of Danish water resources and the public’s drinking water supply as well as the impact of groundwater on Danish nature and the environment. Programme areas include mapping, establishing and managing monitoring programmes, understanding the water cycle and water quality.

The Water resources programme includes contributions from the following departments at GEUS:
  • Groundwater and Quaternary Geology Mapping
  • Geochemistry
  • Hydrology

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131 to 140 of 562 Results
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 750.3 KB - MD5: badab48386668d3677b3b37ea39bf852
The data set was developed for a specific model domain of the City of Odense in Denmark based on information from the local water utility company VandCenter Syd A/S in 2019. The data set is a shape file of the sewer network within the SUBWATER model domain.
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 192.3 KB - MD5: e8366378c9a54dfed17350a048d93cbf
The data set was developed for a specific model domain of the City of Odense in Denmark based on information from the local water utility company VandCenter Syd A/S in 2019. The data set is a shape file of the urban stormwater catchments that drain to the combined storm and sewer...
Mar 24, 2023
Troldborg, Lars, 2023, "Datafile for GEUS report 2023/12",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Datafile for GEUS report 2023/12 The datafile includes one zipped folder with grid result files and one zipped filedatabase (esri gdb) with polygons and a table. All files in the two folders are described in detail in GEUS report 2023/12
ZIP Archive - 3.9 MB - MD5: c3085af408b745018404045e4eb0f367
zip file containing scenario and results related to GEUS report 2023/12. All grid files are in geotiff covering all Denmark in 500m resolution.
ZIP Archive - 21.0 MB - MD5: f5b3cfd4680c53fdcd422340f04722cd
zip file containing a geodatabase with shape and tables related to GEUS report 2023/12. The geodatabase is in ESRI gdb format.
Mar 24, 2023
Koch, Julian; Stisen, Simon; Refsgaard, Jens Christian; Ernstsen, Vibeke; Jakobsen, Peter Roll; Højberg, Anker Lajer, 2019, "Kort over dybden til redoxgrænsen i Danmark",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Kortet viser det bedste estimat over dybden til redoxgrænsen i Danmark i meter under terræn. På basis af ca. 13 000 observationer af farveskift i sedimentprøver er der udviklet en model der beskriver sammenhængen mellem forskellige variable og dybden til redoxgrænsen, der beskriv...
ZIP Archive - 31.0 MB - MD5: 4af152bcc96d0725ca8816800dd6b1c9
Feb 2, 2023 - DK-model2019
Ondracek, Maria, 2023, "Hydrogeological layers DK1 and DK2 (ascii)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The hydrogeological layers in DKmodel2019 for modelarea DK1 and DK2 (Sjælland and øerne) in ascii format. Description and principle sketch of the hydrostratigraphic units and calculation layers for the DK-model2019 in chapter 3, National Vandressource Model Modelopstilling og kal...
ZIP Archive - 142.7 MB - MD5: d0ddb7b30a810882da9d9495aee42863
The hydrogeological layers in DK-model2019 for modelarea DK1 and DK2 in ascii format.
Feb 2, 2023 - DK-model2019
Ondracek, Maria, 2023, "Hydrogeological layers DK3 (ascii)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The hydrogeological layers in DKmodel2019 for modelarea DK3 (Fyn) in ascii format. Description and principle sketch of the hydrostratigraphic units and calculation layers for the DK-model2019 in chapter 3, National Vandressource Model Modelopstilling og kalibrering af DK-model 20...
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