Building knowledge to optimise the management and protection of Danish water resources and the public’s drinking water supply as well as the impact of groundwater on Danish nature and the environment. Programme areas include mapping, establishing and managing monitoring programmes, understanding the water cycle and water quality.

The Water resources programme includes contributions from the following departments at GEUS:
  • Groundwater and Quaternary Geology Mapping
  • Geochemistry
  • Hydrology

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Dette dokumentationsnotat omhandler det grundvandsstandskort for de danske lavbundsjorde som GEUS har udarbejdet i samarbejde med AU og DCE i forbin-delse med projektet ”Udvikling af grundvandstandskort for organiske jorder” (Jan 2021-Dec 2022) som er en del af en større forsknin...
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Comma Separated Values - 319.4 KB - MD5: bfb9599ae9aec5c73818b4f60cad23ef
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Comma Separated Values - 853.5 KB - MD5: 7fa775658630e2d7768f13d579fe7961
Comma Separated Values - 611.6 KB - MD5: 03beacb27cc83b57e229b4c40ceb1763
Comma Separated Values - 337.3 KB - MD5: 794bc56a7dfc6d9cf21a472daa25a4cd
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