Persistent Identifier
doi:10.22008/FK2/5OZV7W |
Publication Date
2023-11-21 |
Citation Date
| Drikkevandets hårdhed i Danmark |
| GEUS (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland) |
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| Kortet viser drikkevandets hårdhed (dH) i forsyningsområderne for almene vandværker i Danmark, baseret på kvalitetssikrede data udtrukket fra den nationale boringsdatabase (Jupiter) i september 2023. Hårdhedsgraden, som er et udtryk for vandets indhold af calcium og magnesium, har blandt andet betydning for, hvor meget sæbe man skal bruge, når man vasker, da hårdt vand kræver mere sæbe end blødt vand. Der kan være store lokale og tidsmæssige forskelle på hårdheden. Kontakt det lokale vandforsyningsselskab for de mest aktuelle og præcise tal. Kortet kan downloades som en mpkx-fil til brug for ArcGIS Pro samt gpkg- og qxz-filer til brug for QGIS.
The map shows information about drinking water hardness (dH) at the level of water supply areas of public waterworks in Denmark based on quality-assured data, extracted from the national well-database Jupiter in September 2023. The hardness degree is based on the concentration of calcium and magnesium in the drinking water and has importance, for example, for the soap dosage when washing clothes: hard water requires more soap than soft water. Drinking water hardness may vary considerably from location to location and in time. Contact your water utility company to get the updated and precise figures. The map can be downloaded as an mpkx-file for ArcGIS Pro and gpkg- and qxz-files for use with QGIS. (2024-09-13) |
| Earth and Environmental Sciences |
| Drinking water
Geoscientific Information
Public waterworks
Water supply areas
Magnesium |
Related Publication
| Voutchkova, D. D., Thomsen, C. T., Claes, N., Olsen, L. A., Thorling, L., Pjetursson, B., & Hansen, B. (2024). Open access nationwide data sets for drinking water hardness at public waterworks and their water supply areas in Denmark. GEUS Bulletin, 57. doi: |
| Danish; English |
Production Date
| 2023 |
| De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (GEUS) |
| De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland |
Deposit Date
| 2023-09-22 |
| ArcGIS Pro, Version: 3.3.1
QGIS, Version: 3.38.2 |