This folder contain both GIS data with simulation results, calibrationstatistics and model set up data from The National Hydrological Model, version 2019 (DK-model2019) and the acctual modelset up in MIKESHE/MikeHYDRO. The hydrogeological layers in DKmodel2019 are also available for download in ascii format, and rasterdata as geotiff's.
The DK-model is a mechanistically, transient and spatially distributed groundwater-surface water model to advance the assessment of groundwater quantitative status accounting for interactions with surface water and anthropogenic changes, such as extraction strategies and land use, as well as climate change. It includes a 3D hydrogeological description of the entire 43.000 km2 in Denmark and since 1996 gradually updated based on detailed studies by regional water authorities and other national research institutions. By incorporating new knowledge, the model is kept up to date and ensures a common basis for assessments at various scales by different authorities.

GEUS har ophavsretten til Den Nationale Hydrologiske Model (DK-modellen)
Vi ønsker, at modellen bruges bredt ved løsning af opgaver eller nye undersøgelser, og giver derfor alle brugsret til modellen og data på følgende vilkår:
  • GEUS angives som kilde.
  • Brugen sker på eget ansvar, og dette skal fremgå overfor brugerens samarbejdspartnere.
  • For at sikre modellens udvikling informeres GEUS pr. email: i tilfælde, hvor der sker ændringer i modelkonceptet eller justeringer af den konceptuelle model (herunder den hydrostratigrafiske model).
  • Brugeren accepterer endvidere, at GEUS benytter sådanne ændringer/justeringer til en fremtidig opdatering af DK-modellen.

    Den Nationale Hydrologiske Model udvikles og vedligeholdes løbende. Hvis man vil benytte versioner, der endnu ikke er frigivet, kan man henvende sig til os og få dem udleveret på ad hoc-basis.
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    1 to 10 of 14 Results
    Sep 15, 2023
    Troldborg, Lars, 2022, "DK-model2019 - modelsetup (area: DK7)",, GEUS Dataverse, V3
    This .zip file contains DK-model2019, area DK7 (Bornholm) as a coupled MIKE SHE/MIKE HYDRO River model setup. The National Hydrological Model (DK-Model) is set up in the MIKE SHE/MIKE HYDRO River model system, which constitutes a deterministic fully distributed and physically bas...
    Sep 15, 2023
    Ondracek, Maria, 2022, "DK-model2019 - modelsetup (area: DK3)",, GEUS Dataverse, V3
    This .zip file contains DK-model2019, area DK3 (Fyn), as a coupled MIKE SHE/MIKE HYDRO River model setup. The National Hydrological Model (DK-Model) is set up in the MIKE SHE/MIKE HYDRO River model system, which constitutes a deterministic fully distributed and physically based m...
    Sep 15, 2023
    Troldborg, Lars, 2022, "DK-model2019 - modelsetup (area: DK1, DK2)",, GEUS Dataverse, V3
    This .zip file contains DK-model2019, area DK1 and DK2 (Sjælland og Øerne), as a coupled MIKE SHE/MIKE HYDRO River model setup. The National Hydrological Model (DK-Model) is set up in the MIKE SHE/MIKE HYDRO River model system, which constitutes a deterministic fully distributed...
    Sep 15, 2023
    Ondracek, Maria, 2022, "DK-model2019 - modelsetup (area: DK4, DK5, DK6)",, GEUS Dataverse, V3
    This .zip file contains DK-model2019, area DK4, DK5 and DK6 (Jylland), as a coupled MIKE SHE/MIKE HYDRO River model setup. The National Hydrologiske Model (DK-Model) is set up in the MIKE SHE/MIKE HYDRO River model system, which constitutes a deterministic fully distributed and p...
    Apr 21, 2023
    Ondracek, Maria, 2023, "Raster geodatabase ”GeoKomp” i geotiff format",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
    Indeholder feks. transmissivitet i kalken, Lertykkelser og dybder til magasin. Se excelark ”dkm2019_Udstilling_GIS_logfile_dataverse.xlsx” for fuldstændig liste af filer i denne folder.
    Apr 21, 2023
    Ondracek, Maria, 2023, "Raster geodatabase ”HydroKomp” i geotiff format",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
    Indeholder feks. Nettonedbør, grundvandsdannelse til magasinlag, trykniveauer, vandhastighed, dybde til grundvandsspejl, udsivning fra grundvand til vandløb. Se excelark ” dkm2019_Udstilling_GIS_logfile_dataverse.xlsx” for fuldstændig liste af filer i denne folder.
    Feb 2, 2023
    Ondracek, Maria, 2023, "Hydrogeological layers DK1 and DK2 (ascii)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
    The hydrogeological layers in DKmodel2019 for modelarea DK1 and DK2 (Sjælland and øerne) in ascii format. Description and principle sketch of the hydrostratigraphic units and calculation layers for the DK-model2019 in chapter 3, National Vandressource Model Modelopstilling og kal...
    Feb 2, 2023
    Ondracek, Maria, 2023, "Hydrogeological layers DK3 (ascii)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
    The hydrogeological layers in DKmodel2019 for modelarea DK3 (Fyn) in ascii format. Description and principle sketch of the hydrostratigraphic units and calculation layers for the DK-model2019 in chapter 3, National Vandressource Model Modelopstilling og kalibrering af DK-model 20...
    Feb 2, 2023
    Ondracek, Maria, 2023, "Hydrogeological layers DK4, DK5 and DK6 (ascii)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
    The hydrogeological layers in DKmodel2019 for modelarea DK4, DK5 and DK6 (Jylland) in ascii format. Description and principle sketch of the hydrostratigraphic units and calculation layers for the DK-model2019 in chapter 3, National Vandressource Model Modelopstilling og kalibreri...
    Feb 2, 2023
    Ondracek, Maria, 2023, "Hydrogeological layers DK7 (ascii)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
    The hydrogeological layers in DKmodel2019 for modelarea DK7 (Bornholm) in ascii format. Description and principle sketch of the hydrostratigraphic units and calculation layers for the DK-model2019 in chapter 3, National Vandressource Model Modelopstilling og kalibrering af DK-mod...
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