751 to 760 of 5,107 Results
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 110.7 KB -
MD5: 29857b52ac67c21fd61c684869c677d1
Iodine data in Denmark, 2011–2021. |
MS Word - 14.5 KB -
MD5: 781ffb789d5424308045af5622062567
A description of how to use this data set. |
MS Word - 22.6 KB -
MD5: f59ab5ad8133c99da4841dae36c7a1df
Table S1 cited in Voutchkova 2023. |
Jun 16, 2023 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Tegner, C; Salmonsen, Lars Peter; Holness, Marian B; Lesher, Charles E; Humphreys, Madeleine C. S; Thy, Peter; Nielsen, Troels F.D, 2023, "Supplementary files for: A whole-rock data set for the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/HOWW6F, GEUS Dataverse, V1
We report a compilation of new and published whole-rock major and trace element analyses for 646 samples of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland. The samples were collected in 14 stratigraphic profiles either from accessible and well-exposed surface areas or from drill core,... |
Jun 16, 2023 -
Supplementary files for: A whole-rock data set for the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland
MS Word - 17.3 KB -
MD5: c33b2a616cb2cfeee6631ca11b0870e3
How to cite these data |
Jun 16, 2023 -
Supplementary files for: A whole-rock data set for the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 380.9 KB -
MD5: fd1555e541847e0fc53f8715fc77d42c
Supplementary Data File 1 Geochemical database for whole rock compositions of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland. |
Jun 16, 2023 -
Supplementary files for: A whole-rock data set for the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland
Adobe PDF - 2.3 MB -
MD5: 5f2aa6616dbcad76d90bf91855a7fe51
Supplementary Data File 2. Description of sample profiles |
Jun 16, 2023 -
Supplementary files for: A whole-rock data set for the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 26.9 KB -
MD5: 988e184e40ec64b94684ae83c8f567c2
Supplementary Data File 3. Analytical precision and accuracy |
May 23, 2023 - Data Packages
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 2023, "Zinc exploration data package - North Greenland", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/29BUCP, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This data package contains much of the current data available regarding zinc in North Greenland. Size: 2.8 GB. Contents 1. Mineral occurrences List of all known mineral occurrences in the area Descriptions of the individual mineral occurrences 2. Geochemistry Rock samples Excel-f... |
May 23, 2023 -
Zinc exploration data package - North Greenland
ZIP Archive - 34.0 MB -
MD5: d26c3c6dba39a03a11a3ea13cde1ec9f