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41 to 50 of 428 Results
Jan 22, 2024 - Denmark Data Center
Andersen, Lærke Therese; Anthonsen, Karen Lyng; Jakobsen, Peter Roll, 2024, "Danmarks Digitale Jordartskort 1:25 000 version 7.0 - ArcMap/ArcGISPro/QGIS",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Det digitale jordartskort viser overfladegeologien i digital form. I denne version 7.0 fra 2023 er 93% af Danmarks landareal klassificeret, og kortet kompletteres løbende. Kortet er et resultat af den systematiske geologiske kortlægning af Danmark. Informationerne er indsamlet ve...
Dec 22, 2023 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Olivarius, Mette; Kazerouni, Afsoon M; Weibel, Rikke; Kokfelt, Thomas F; Hovikoski, Jussi, 2023, "Supplementary files for: Mudstone diagenesis and sandstone provenance in an Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous evolving half-graben system, Wollaston Forland, North-East Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The influence of rifting on the composition of Kimmeridgian to Barremian mudstones from northern Wollaston Forland in North-East Greenland is investigated by petrographic and mineralogical analysis, in addition to U-Pb zircon provenance analysis of nearby sandstones. The mudstone...
Dec 22, 2023 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Alsen, P; Piasecki, S; Nøhr-Hansen, H; Pauly, S; Sheldon, E; Hovikoski, J, 2023, "Supplementary files for: Stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic to lowermost Cretaceous in the Rødryggen-1 and Brorson Halvø-1 boreholes, Wollaston Forland, North-East Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Two shallow cores drilled in northern Wollaston Forland, North-East Greenland, provide a combined section covering the upper Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) – Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) and comprising the Bernbjerg, Lindemans Bugt, Palnatokes Bjerg and Stratumbjerg Formations. A...
Dec 21, 2023 - Topographic maps
GEUS, 2023, "73 Ø.2 Ymer Ø. Topographic map, 1:250 000",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Topographic map of Greenland, 1:250 000, 73 Ø.2 Ymer Ø. 400 dpi. Coloured maps at 1:250 000 with contour interval 100 m. A set of 53 digital maps covers North and North-East Greenland from lnglefield Land in the west to Scoresby Sund in the east. One additional sheet provides an...
Dec 21, 2023 - Topographic maps
GEUS, 2023, "81 V.3 Wulff Land. Topographic map, 1:250 000",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Topographic map of Greenland, 1:250 000, 81 V.3 Wulff Land. 400 dpi. Coloured maps at 1:250 000 with contour interval 100 m. A set of 53 digital maps covers North and North-East Greenland from lnglefield Land in the west to Scoresby Sund in the east. One additional sheet provides...
Dec 21, 2023 - Topographic maps
GEUS, 2023, "74 Ø.1 Wollaston Forland. Topographic map, 1:250 000",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Topographic map of Greenland, 1:250 000, 74 Ø.1 Wollaston Forland. 400 dpi. Coloured maps at 1:250 000 with contour interval 100 m. A set of 53 digital maps covers North and North-East Greenland from lnglefield Land in the west to Scoresby Sund in the east. One additional sheet p...
Dec 21, 2023 - Topographic maps
GEUS, 2023, "74 Ø.4 Wilkins Nunatakker. Topographic map, 1:250 000",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Topographic map of Greenland, 1:250 000, 74 Ø.4 Wilkins Nunatakker. 400 dpi. Coloured maps at 1:250 000 with contour interval 100 m. A set of 53 digital maps covers North and North-East Greenland from lnglefield Land in the west to Scoresby Sund in the east. One additional sheet...
Dec 21, 2023 - Topographic maps
GEUS, 2023, "80 V.1 Washington Land. Topographic map, 1:250 000",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Topographic map of Greenland, 1:250 000, 80 V.1 Washington Land. 400 dpi. Coloured maps at 1:250 000 with contour interval 100 m. A set of 53 digital maps covers North and North-East Greenland from lnglefield Land in the west to Scoresby Sund in the east. One additional sheet pro...
Dec 21, 2023 - Topographic maps
GEUS, 2023, "81 V.2 Warming Land. Topographic map, 1:250 000",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Topographic map of Greenland, 1:250 000, 81 V.2 Warming Land. 400 dpi. Coloured maps at 1:250 000 with contour interval 100 m. A set of 53 digital maps covers North and North-East Greenland from lnglefield Land in the west to Scoresby Sund in the east. One additional sheet provid...
Dec 21, 2023 - Topographic maps
GEUS, 2023, "Index: Topographic maps of North and North-East Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Topographic maps of North and North-East Greenland 1:250 000 Data collected from aerial photographs at nomimal scale 1:150 000 by the Danish Geodetic Institute in the period 1978 - 1987; rectified using ground control and aerotriangulation from the National Survey and Cadastre (K...
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