191 to 200 of 635 Results
Aug 21, 2023 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Voutchkova, Denitza D., 2023, "Supplementary files for: "Temporal variation of iodine in Danish groundwater"", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/ELLKNC, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Iodine is an essential element for human health, and both high and low iodine intake could have negative health outcomes. The spatial variation of iodine in Danish groundwater has been studied before, but to the author’s knowledge, this is the first time that the temporal variati... |
Aug 6, 2023 - Freshwater Runoff
Mankoff, Ken, 2020, "Streams, Outlets, Basins, and Discharge [k=1.0]", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/XKQVL7, GEUS Dataverse, V5
Greenland land and ice sheet streams, outlets, basins, and discharge. Routing assumes k = 1.0 for subglacial routing algorithm |
Jul 19, 2023 - SICE - Arctic and Antarctic land ice snow and ice surface properties from Sentinel-3 OLCI
Picard, G.; Vandecrux, B.; Kokhanovsky, A.; Box, J.E., 2023, "Antarctica SSA and broadband albedo austral summer 2022/2023 from Sentinel-3’s OLCI and pySICEv1.6", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/QWN906, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Timespan 15 Oct, 2022 to 28 Feb 2023 Description 0.5 km daily SSA and broadband albedo. Albedo is 'spherical', meaning 'white sky' or 'diffuse', i.e. does not depend on the position of the sun. Data format is NetCDF. Embedded are attributes. We suggest using xarray to read the da... |
Jul 4, 2023 - Nature and climate
Vandecrux, B., 2023, "Greenland ice sheet ice and firn temperature reconstruction at 10 m depth, 1950-2022", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/C24WVN, GEUS Dataverse, V3
This dataset contains monthly grids of 10 m subsurface temperatures (T10m) for the Greenland ice sheet between 1954 and 2022. These grids have been produced by an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) which take as input ERA5 snowfall and air temperatures and is trained on more than 45... |
Jun 16, 2023 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Tegner, C; Salmonsen, Lars Peter; Holness, Marian B; Lesher, Charles E; Humphreys, Madeleine C. S; Thy, Peter; Nielsen, Troels F.D, 2023, "Supplementary files for: A whole-rock data set for the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/HOWW6F, GEUS Dataverse, V1
We report a compilation of new and published whole-rock major and trace element analyses for 646 samples of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland. The samples were collected in 14 stratigraphic profiles either from accessible and well-exposed surface areas or from drill core,... |
May 23, 2023 - Data Packages
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 2023, "Zinc exploration data package - North Greenland", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/29BUCP, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This data package contains much of the current data available regarding zinc in North Greenland. Size: 2.8 GB. Contents 1. Mineral occurrences List of all known mineral occurrences in the area Descriptions of the individual mineral occurrences 2. Geochemistry Rock samples Excel-f... |
May 23, 2023 - Data Packages
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 2023, "Nickel exploration data package", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/UQWOAZ, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see: Nickel data package. The data package comprises four parts: 1: West Greenland - size: 36 GB 2: South-East Greenland - size 38 GB 3: East Greenland (GEUS Bull. 24) - size 7 MB 4: MRAP Nickel Workshop 2012 - size 1,7 GB Important note: Maximum downl... |
May 15, 2023 - Data Packages
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 2023, "Zinc exploration data package - Karrat Group, central West Greenland", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/YG9VBM, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This data package contains much of the current data available the Karrat area of central West Greenland. Size: 964 MB. Contents 1) Mineral occurrences list 2) Geochemistry (excel files containing tables of geochemistry) a) Rock samples (GEUS and mineral exploration companies) b)... |
May 15, 2023 - Data Packages
Hutchison, Mark Thomas, 2020, "Greenland diamond exploration data package", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/VYJX5D, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The Government of Greenland’s Diamond exploration data package compiles over 50 years of diamond exploration data. In addition to samples derived from Greenland’s established areas of diamondiferous rocks in central West Greenland, a wide coverage of regional exploration data ext... |
May 9, 2023 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
Geological Survey of Greenland and Risø National Laboratory, 2023, "Regional airborne radiometric survey in West Greenland", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/0JIMQO, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see: GGU West Greenland survey details. Size: 46 MB. |