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30,311 to 30,320 of 30,352 Results
Jul 12, 2021 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
EON Geosciences Inc. for GEUS, 2012, "AEROMAG 2012. High resolution aeromagnetic survey, South-East Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see details on: AEROMAG 2012 survey, South-East Greenland.
Jul 2, 2021 - Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE) and the Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net)
Fausto, Robert S., 2021, "Snow-water equivalent of snowpacks",, GEUS Dataverse, V2
The SnowFox sensor observes snow-water equivalent (SWE) by the attenuation of cosmic-ray neutrons. The sensor is located close to a PROMICE automatic weather station to complement the snow depth measurements. Please have a look at the readme file.
Jul 1, 2021 - Nature and climate
Ribeiro, Sofia; Limoges, Audrey; Colgan, William; Andersen, Thorbjørn; Wengrat, Simone; Larsen, Nicolaj K; Davidson, Thomas A, 2021, "Holocene ecosystem changes at the North Water polynya: marine and lake sediment core data and analysis code",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Source data and code share for Ribeiro et al. 2021 "Vulnerability of the North Water ecosystem to climate change", Nature Comunications 12: 4475
Jun 30, 2021 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
EON Geosciences Inc. for GEUS, 2013, "AEROMAG 2013. High resolution aeromagnetic survey, South-East Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see details on: AEROMAG 2012 survey, South-East Greenland.
Jun 21, 2021 - Water resources
Stisen, Simon; Soltani, Mohsen; Mendiguren, Gorka; Langkilde, Henrik; Garcia, Monica; Koch, Julian, 2021, "Gridded European Evapotranspiration Climatologies",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Spatial patterns in long-term evapotranspiration (ET) represent a unique source of information for evaluating the spatial pattern performance of distributed hydrological models at river basin to continental scale. This kind of model evaluation is getting increased attention, ackn...
Jun 18, 2021 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Lot Koopmans, 2021, "Supplementary files for: New insights from field observations of the Younger giant dyke complex and mafic lamprophyres of the Gardar Province on Tuttutooq island, South Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The Gardar Province of south Greenland is defined by the products of alkaline igneous magmatism during the Mesoproterozoic. The most laterally extensive Gardar intrusions are a series of giant dyke complexes best exposed on the Tuttutooq archipelago. We present new field observat...
May 18, 2021 - Nature and climate
Madsen, Rasmus Bødker, 2021, "Replication Data for: Running MPS simulations of geology and redox in LOOP3 catchment area, Denmark",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This dataset contains .gslib files (, access 18-05-2021) of training images, soft data and hard data. The files following files correspond to geological element 1: softdataRed1.gslib: Soft data redox softdataGeo1.gslib: Soft data geology...
May 11, 2021 - SICE - Arctic and Antarctic land ice snow and ice surface properties from Sentinel-3 OLCI
Wehrlé, Adrien; Box, Jason; Vandecrux, Baptiste; Mankoff, Ken, 2021, "Gapless semi-empirical daily snow and ice albedo from Sentinel-3 OLCI",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Snow and ice broadband albedo from Sentinel-3 OLCI measurements after Kokhanovsky et al 2020 (snow areas) and empirical regression (ice areas) (doi:10.22008/FK2/SNX8L6) where two post-processing steps have been applied: - downward outlier detection and removal based on a relation...
Apr 27, 2021 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Peter Japsen; Paul F. Green; James A. Chalmers, 2021, "Supplementary files for: Thermo-tectonic development of the Wandel Sea Basin, North Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The Carboniferous–Palaeogene Wandel Sea Basin of eastern North Greenland (north of 80⁰N, east of 40⁰W) is an important piece in the puzzle of Arctic geology. It is particularly important for understanding how the Paleocene–Eocene convergence between Greenland, the Canadian Arctic...
Apr 13, 2021 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Denitza D. Voutchkova, 2021, "Supplementary files for: Estimating pesticides in public drinking water at the household-level in Denmark",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Pesticide pollution has raised public concern in Denmark due to potential negative health impacts, and frequent findings of new substances after a recent expansion of the groundwater monitoring programme. Danish drinking water comes entirely from groundwater. Both raw groundwater...
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