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421 to 430 of 685 Results
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Abatzis, Ioannis; Milthers, Kurt; Møller, Carlos; Torben Bistrup; Britze, Peter; Japsen, Peter; Andersen, Claus, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Den danske Centralgrav. 'Top Kalk' og Post Kalk Gruppen (to-vejs løbetid, dybde og intervalhastighed)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Seismic interpretation, North Sea, Cretaceous, Cenozoic, Tertiary, Danian, chalk, hydrocarbons
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Abatzis, Ioannis; Milthers, Kurt; Møller, Carlos; Vejbæk, Ole Valdemar; Britze, Peter; Japsen, Peter; Andersen, Claus, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Den danske Centralgrav. 'Basis Kalk' og Kalk Gruppen (to-vejs løbetid, dybde, intervalhastighed og vertikal tykkelse)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Seismic interpretation, North Sea, Lower Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous, Cenozoic, Danian, chalk, hydrocarbons
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Abatzis, Ioannis; Poulsen, Kurt Damtoft; Milthers, Kurt; Møller, Carlos; Andersen, Morten Sparre; Langtofte, Carsten; Vejbæk, Ole Valdemar; Britze, Peter; Møller, Jens Jørgen; Japsen, Peter; Andersen, Claus; Rasmussen, Erik Skovbjerg, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Den danske Centralgrav. 'Basis Kridt' og Cromer Knoll Gruppen (to-vejs løbetid, dybde, intervalhastighed og vertikal tykkelse)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Seismic interpretation, North Sea, Lower Cretaceous, hydrocarbons
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Petersen, Kaj Strand; Pedersen, Stig A. Schack, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:50 000. Geologisk kort over Djursland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Danian, Paleocene, Eocene, Holsteinian, Saalian, Weichselian, Holocene, Glacial geology, glacial features, glacial tectonics, drumlins, outwash plains
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Lemke, Wolfram; Kuijpers, Antoon; Jensen, Jørn Bo, 1996, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Kortbladet Femer Bælt - Arkona Bassinet. Sen-kvartære aflejringer",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Weichselian, Holocene, Baltic Sea, Baltic Ice Lake, marine geology,
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Britze, Peter; Japsen, Peter; Andersen, Claus, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Den danske Centralgrav. 'Basis Øvre Jura' og Øvre Jura (to-vejs løbetid, dybde, intervalhastighed og vertikal tykkelse)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Seismic interpretation, North Sea, Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic, hydrocarbons
Ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment logo
Jun 20, 2022Nature and climate
Greenland Disequilibrium Dataverse Data and materials availability: The datasets generated during and/or analyzed as part of the submitted study are available here . Data access is currently restricted to those involved in the article’s external and editorial review and to listed...
Jun 18, 2022 - Ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment
Box, Jason, 2022, "Greenland ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment from recent climate: data/code",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
dataverse dataset for Greenland ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment from recent climate Data and materials Paper: revised Box, Jason, 2022, "Greenland ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment from recent climate: scripts, output data and figures v20220502 resubmission"...
Jun 17, 2022 - NAG-TEC Atlas
Spakman, W., 2014, "Mantle Tomography Model UU-P07",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Tomographic model of Earth's mantle developed for the project.
Jun 15, 2022 - NAG-TEC Atlas
Hopper, J.R.; Funck, T.; Stoker, M.S.; Árting, U.; Peron-Pinvidic, G.; Doornenbal, H.; Gaina, C.; NAG-TEC Contributors, 2014, "Tectonostratigraphic Atlas of the North-East Atlantic Region",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The complete printed volume.
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